Ministries aka Serve Teams


HOPE KIDS (12 and under) meet Sunday Mornings 10:30AM

*We begin together for worship followed by a formal dismissal to classes.


THRIVE STUDENTS MINISTRIES (Middle School and High School) 

Men's Ministry


Men's Breakfast every 4th Saturday of the month 8:00AM

Women's Ministry

Special events as scheduled. 

Ushers, Greeters, Hospitality

These ministries serve weekly at Hope during services and as needed for additional services and events. 

Other areas of ministry include tech, worship, outreach, care and more. 


We believe every member is a minister. As we equip people to Shine His Light and Share His Love by discovering ways they can be involved in ministry, through experience and training, we see God Shape His People. 


Psalm 86:9-10, "All the nations you have made will come and worship before you, O Lord; they will bring glory to your name. For you are great and do marvelous deeds; you alone are God." One of the most beautiful sights to see is people from all nations coming together to worship the Majesty of the King. Join us every Sunday morning at 10:30 AM as we celebrate the One who reigns. 

  • Hope Kids

    Matthew 19:14 says "Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Jesus Loves The Little Children is more than a song, an idea or a concept. It is a truth that was demonstrated everywhere Jesus went and that truth remains today.

    The Children's Ministry at Hope is an exciting place where Kid's experience Lively Praise and Worship, Multi-Media, Fun and Games all supporting a powerful Bible Lesson with Life Changing Scriptures. 

    Hope Kids parnters with parents in the spiritual growth of an amazing generation. Every Sunday check-in begins at 10:15AM for Nursery & Toddlers (0-2), Preschool (3-4), and Elementary (5-11).

  • Thrive Student Ministries

    Thrive Student Ministries (12-18) meets TBD.

    In Psalm chapter one the Psalmist writes about those who separate themselves from the wicked and delight in the law of the Lord. Psalm 1:3 says, "They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do." (NLT)

    At Thrive we are developing a remnant of young people who influence their culture and generation unashamedly while advancing the Kingdom of God. We are empowering them to discover their purpose and understand their true identity of who they are in Christ.

  • SERVE Teams

    There are many places to get involved here. Ministries at House of Hope are established as necessary. Our Team Leaders work hand in hand with their Team Members with oversight from the pastoral staff. There is a team for you and your family here at House of Hope.

    Our ministries are in place to be a blessing to others as well as to create an opportunity to serve in the church. Ministry Teams include Ushers, Greeters, Hospitality, Care, Worship, Media, Social Network, Children, Follow Up, and more.